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Coulterville History Videos

Virtual Glimpse of the Coulterville History Museum:

This video will give you a look at our museum! It features displays from our museum, along with some of our very own Coulterville Highschool students explaining some important parts of Coulterville history.

Coulterville Historical Society and Museum Beginnings:

   This video chronicles the inception of the Coulterville Historical Society and History Museum. (Coulterville, Illinois) It documents the timeline of the first idea up to the grand opening of the museum on March 17, 2018.

A history of Coulterville School:

     This is a brief history of the school in Coulterville, Illinois. The information was collected from a variety of resources available to the Local History class of Coulterville High School. The timeline in this video is as accurate as the information reported in these sources: archived copies of Coulterville's school newspaper, yearbooks, Glimpses of Coulterville journals, The Story of Coulterville, A History of Coulterville, and first hand accounts from members of the community, as well as pictures and other official documents.

Coulterville History Video 1:

     This video is the first in a series produced by students at Coulterville High School in Coulterville, Illinois. These students are working on a project to launch a museum for Coulterville's history. Please share this video to help gain interest in this project.

History of the Adami Hotel

Coulterville Fall Festival 2024

Birthday Cake Contest

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